Day 290: Bryce Canyon - Easton's Ranch

Wednesday May 25th

After packing up our gear at our primitive campsite, we drove for several hours to arrive at Lake Powell. Lunch was in the carpark of the visitor’s centre, and we then had 45 minutes to walk the steel bridge across the river and explore the visitor’s centre. Lucy and I spent our time wisely, doing handstands and having pose-offs in the mirrored doors of the visitor’s centre.

Our next stop was a WalMart SuperCentre. We had to pick up groceries, but then we also had an hour of free time to shop. Our aim? To find outfits for a fancy dress party we were holding that night. After circling the store a few times and rejecting Justin Bieber as an outfit choice (white shirt, dog tag, sideways baseball cap), I bought a trucker hat and a flannellete shirt, deciding I could either be a truckie or a cowgirl.

As usual, Min Kyung, the South Korean girl, was late back to the bus – and this time, really late – 45 minutes! One day we are just going to drive off and leave her …

At about 4pm, we arrived at Easton’s Cowboy Ranch. It’s owned by a previous Trek America employee, and they really are cowboys out here! Whilst some of the crew went horse-riding as an optional extra, I opted out and just spent the 2 hours catching up on my blog and watching Community.

Dinner was eaten in the cowboy ranch itself, and what a feast! Steaks for the meat eaters, and unlimited corn, beans, baked beans, coleslaw, baked potatos and buttermilk biscuits (basically, a scone moulded as English muffin). Just when we thought we couldn’t possibly fit anymore in, dessert was fudge brownies straight out of the oven. Yum …. !

The girls all assembled in the saloon themed bathroom to prepare for the fancy dress party. I ditched the truckie idea and went as a cowgirl instead, with a flannelette shirt, cowgirl hat borrowed from Lucy, and ankle boots. Others went as golfers; Indians; the Mummy; Pocahontas; and Sandy from Grease.

The ranch had a ‘party barn’ that was secluded from everyone else, and was equipped with a great sound system, so we cranked the music up and started to have fun. Everyone had bought alcohol at Walmart, which helped the evening along, and we started bringing out the big dance guns, like the sprinkler. As I was the DJ, I ensured there were lots of dance songs on – even leading everyone in the Nutbush – and then Lucy and I performed a re-enactment of the major scenes in Grease, to the soundtrack of the Grease mega-mix.

Just before it hit midnight, we wrapped up the fun and retired to our tents for the evening.
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